Want to be the first to get my new novel, Talio’s Codex (pub date July 16), along with some cool swag? Check out the Space Wizard Science Fantasy Year 3 BackerKit campaign. Space Wizard is trying to raise $12,000 in the first 48 hours to pay authors and pay for covers. If you like queer science fiction and fantasy, you’ll love this new indie author publishing house. You can get anything from a single book to a full year’s subscription, with cool swag!
Space Wizard Science Fantasy is a queer science fiction and fantasy indie publishing company started in 2016 to publish William C. Tracy’s books. Ten books, six years, a pandemic, and quitting a day job later, the publishing company opened its doors to more authors. Our intent has always been to showcase quality science fiction and fantasy stories with queer characters, because they don’t get enough exposure in the publishing world.